Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Phoenix VA Health Care System Director Fired

Sharon Helman
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced Monday that Sharon Helman, the director of the Phoenix VA Healthcare System, was terminated from federal service.

In a media release the VA said the decision followed an investigation by the VA Office of Inspector General in which allegations of lack of oversight and other misconduct were substantiated. This removal action underscores VA’s commitment to hold leaders accountable and ensure that veterans have access to quality and timely care.

“Lack of oversight and misconduct by VA leaders runs counter to our mission of serving Veterans, and VA will not tolerate it,” said Secretary Robert A. McDonald. “We depend on VA employees and leaders to put the needs of Veterans first and honor VA’s core values of integrity, commitment, advocacy, respect and excellence."

The VA will name a new director in Phoenix as quickly as possible. To ensure continuity of care for Veterans and leadership for VA employees during the recruitment period, Glenn Grippen has been designated interim Phoenix VA Healthcare System director.

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